Home of LU Beef

For the first time ever you can buy our beef online.

mission & Vision

Our vision is to operate a profitable commercial ranch that maintains and improves the health and wellbeing of the social and environmental ecosystems in which we live and work.

We do this by combining new ideas, techniques and technology with tried-and-true methods to constantly improve our ability to bring high quality beef to market using sustainable ranching practices.

Our Ranch

The LU Ranch is an iconic cattle ranch situated in the beautiful foothills of the Absaroka Mountains, located in northwest Wyoming. The ranch is a fourth generation family-owned operation that encompasses 150,000 acres of private and public land.

We are a traditional horseback cow/calf outfit operating in the big open country of Wyoming.
The LU was purchased by the Healy family in 1935 and has changed over time from a sheep outfit to a Angus-cross commercial cattle ranch. 
Meet the people that keep the ranch going.

our herd

We raise high quality beef cattle that are born and raised on the open range. Our herd of over 1,400 mother cows spend their summers grazing the rough Absaroka foothills, going up to the Shoshone National Forest, and then winter in the desert badlands of Big Horn Basin. By combining these environmental characteristics with an aggressive breeding program that focuses on producing high marbling cattle with excellent growth and feed efficiency, we have developed a cow herd that can produce high quality beef, while thriving in such rugged environments.

For over 15 years we have been breeding our Angus based herd to Leachman Stabilizer bulls, using DNA testing and data driven decision making to ensure our herd has superior genetics.

Every year we sell heifer calves and bred heifers that will thrive on open range and produce high value calves. Check out our availability and sale dates.

We sell grass fed beef! Please contact us for more information on our sustainably raised, high quality product


OUR impact

At the LU Ranch, equal emphasis is put on conservation, wildlife and education. We believe in using holistic, sustainable management techniques to ensure the long-term health of our land. The ranch partners with government and non-government agencies to implement wildlife and livestock projects and to monitor our resources. In 2019 we started an internship program with Wyoming Colleges to help students gain experiences outside the classroom. The LU is also part of the Absaroka Front Hunter Management Area in cooperation with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department.
The LU Ranch is committed to creating a thriving ecosystem by not only managing for our cattle, but for wildlife, vegetation and our water resources as well.
Our management practices have earned the ranch several conservation awards throughout the years. We are devoted to continuing this tradition of land management. 

Our goal is to contribute to the agricultural community by providing internships, continuing education and volunteer opportunities.


The LU Ranch Journal

Stay tuned for ranch news, updates, and additional information…